
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

It's Not Russia in Crimea, But USA in Ukraine

2015. január 03. 09:58

A dirty story through and through, but in the tragic aftermath of this coup, the West has maintained the dominant narrative of “Russia in Crimea” whereas the true narrative is “USA in Ukraine”. The truth is not being aired in the West.

2015. január 03. 09:58
Oliver Stone

“Excuse my absence these past weeks. A combination of overwork, prepping the Snowden movie in Germany & England, a side trip to Moscow, and a devastating head cold have laid me low. Recovering over Christmas in California; winter sun helps.

Interviewed Viktor Yanukovych 4 hours in Moscow for new English language documentary produced by Ukrainians. He was the legitimate President of Ukraine until he suddenly wasn’t on February 22 of this year. Details to follow in the documentary, but it seems clear that the so-called ‘shooters’ who killed 14 police men, wounded some 85, and killed 45 protesting civilians, were outside third party agitators. Many witnesses, including Yanukovych and police officials, believe these foreign elements were introduced by pro-Western factions-- with CIA fingerprints on it.

Remember the Chavez ‘regime change’/coup of 2002 when he was temporarily ousted after pro and anti-Chavez demonstrators were fired upon by mysterious shooters in office buildings. Also resembles similar technique early this year in Venezuela when Maduro’s legally elected Government was almost toppled by violence aimed at anti-Maduro protestors. Create enough chaos, as the CIA did in Iran ‘53, Chile ‘73, and countless other coups, and the legitimate Government can be toppled. It’s America’s soft power technique called ‘Regime Change 101.’

In this case the »Maidan Massacre« was featured in Western media as the result of an unstable, brutal pro-Russian Yanukovych Government. You may recall Yanukovych went along with the February 21 deal with opposition parties and 3 EU foreign minsters to get rid of him by calling for early elections. The next day that deal was meaningless when well-armed, neo-Nazi radicals forced Yanukovych to flee the country with repeated assassination attempts. By the next day, a new pro-Western government was established and immediately recognized by the US (as in the Chavez 2002 coup).

A dirty story through and through, but in the tragic aftermath of this coup, the West has maintained the dominant narrative of »Russia in Crimea« whereas the true narrative is »USA in Ukraine.« The truth is not being aired in the West. It’s a surreal perversion of history that’s going on once again, as in Bush pre-Iraq ‘WMD’ campaign. But I believe the truth will finally come out in the West, I hope, in time to stop further insanity.

For a broader understanding, see Pepe Escobar’s analysis »The new European ‘arc of instability,’« which indicates growing turbulence in 2015, as the US cannot tolerate the idea of any rival economic entity You might also see »Untold History« Chapter 10 where we discuss the dangers of past Empires which did not allow for the emergence of competing economic countries.”

Összesen 15 komment

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2015. április 13. 19:24
Unlike Europe, there is freedom of expression in the USA. is a good example. The problem is that most of the media is in the hands of Zionists who lie but anyone can say anything they want on the internet or publish whatever they want. Not perfect but better than Europe Hungary
2015. január 04. 15:43
As a matter of fact, I have never succeeded to find out what the real meaning of "jew" is to you and your mind-sharers. Probably it is almost impossible to define "jew" in a way that can be accepted by all jews and not jews. It depends on so many factors. During history it often meant persecution and death. It is so loaded with emotion. I know many people with jewish roots, who are eager to find peace in themselves and in their surroundings and therefore they adopt Buddhism, like Oliver Stone.
2015. január 04. 12:17
Tymoshenko wanted to "nuke" 8 million Ukrainian Russians...because she is a democrat. Very early on evidence surfaced that the "Maidan shooters" were foreign sniper mercenaries hired by the "opposition". The Estonian PM called EU Foreign Chief Catherin Ashton about blatant evidence... The Malaysian Airline tragedy hit the "news" almost simultaneously as it happened, it was squarely blamed on Russia and her evil separatists, yet to this day there is no evidence of any Russian involvement, on the contrary, there is evidence that an Ukrainian Air force jet shot down the passenger plane. Malaysia, by the way, is excluded from the investigation.
2015. január 04. 12:16
Truth 2.0 :)
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