
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Hungary’s prime minister a champion for illiberalism

2014. augusztus 07. 14:53

If Europe can’t defend democracy within its own borders, what, exactly, is its purpose?

2014. augusztus 07. 14:53
Harold Meyerson

„Putin’s Western cheerleaders — not just Orbán but the nationalist parties of Europe — condemn the United States and Western Europe for their tolerance of immigrants and gays. But they’ve gained traction chiefly because of the economic stagnation that beleaguers the non-German West. Condemning Orbán, or France’s Marine Le Pen, Britain’s Nigel Farage or the tea party, is all well and good, but relegating these leaders and forces to the sewer from which they slithered requires more than just an affirmation of tolerance. It requires ambitious, affirmative policies to create more inclusive economies — raising wages, promoting domestic investment and rebalancing the governing structures of corporations. A growing anxiety and pessimism is evident in every major Western nation save, again, Germany. Unless the West can meet the challenges of the global economy as well as Germany can, the illiberalism that Orbán champions will only advance.

Europe has an even more immediate challenge as well. In his talk, Orbán asserted that there’s nothing incompatible about illiberalism — which, based on his own actions, means suppressing an independent judiciary and civil society — and belonging to the E.U. Creating and observing democratic laws and norms, however, is a prerequisite for E.U. membership. Why shouldn’t dismantling such laws and norms be grounds for expulsion? If Europe can’t defend democracy within its own borders, what, exactly, is its purpose?”

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2014. október 10. 09:15
Mr. Meyerson! First of all pls. find a better translator, and try again interpreted Orban's speech!
2014. október 10. 09:13
Nyüszít a liberális négyszemű kutya, mert szorul a hurok körülötte. De, mint mindannyiszor, most is megemlítem, hogy le a kalappal Orbán előtt, mert egy tökéletes liberálispukkasztást vitt végbe a beszédével Tusványoson.
2014. október 10. 09:13
Ezeknek a szerzőknek az írásaiban annyi az igazság, mint lószarban a vitamin. Kár rá az időt pazarolni!
2014. október 10. 09:13
You are missinformed and self-important arrogant. You have no idea about our country. You've been payed to write this pice of shit about our contry.
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