
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Why is it that Europe stigmatises modern Hungary?

2013. május 21. 09:46

There have been eruptions of racial hatred in France and the Netherlands without the same questioning of their fundamental democracy, says Hungary's Deputy Prime Minister.

2013. május 21. 09:46
Tibor Navracsics

"A young lad with a machine pistol from the ’56 revolution in Budapest; a student from Prague Spring in ’68; a Solidarity activist from Warsaw in ’80 – these are the images of Eastern and Central Europe favoured in Western Europe. They see far-away champions of freedom, who add some romance to the life of the Western European citizen, but at the same time in in no way upset the staid predictability of their own everyday life, thanks to strength of the Iron Curtain.

Yet somehow in the West many still sensed that the East European democratic transitions and the dismantling of the frontiers lockdown would launch a new era for them, too. For the French and British, German reunification foreshadowed the image of far too large a European superpower. To many, the Yugoslav Wars and the newly independent Croatia meant the breakdown of the Central European status quo. The abundance of new parties, players and developing systems appeared as threat in the committee rooms of Western chanceries.  Publicly they hoorayed it while in private they were less than delighted with the end of Socialism.

Since then a generation has gone by but Western Europe is still not able to accept the spirit of Europe’s reunification. The European Union has enlarged towards the east in vain – instead of equal treatment as fellow citizens of Europe, we are met with suspicion, accusation and distrust. (...)

We, just like our regional partners, have to prove our commitment to democracy every day, while, for our part, we have genuinely had to struggle and fight for democracy. They watch the distinctive Eastern and Central European solutions mistrustfully as if they did not care about how they came into being. They do not want to understand that the average salary of a German, a Portuguese and even a Greek is many times that of the Hungarian average of €700. (...)

Today, Europe is not weak because the Eastern and Central European countries are poor or weak. Rather this is due to the West that is still unable to come to terms with the unification of Europe. The very fact that we too are Europeans has invigorated us through the decades, but Europe will stay weak as long as those in the West refuse to take notice of this."

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Charlie Chan
2013. június 07. 04:42
The Western attitude towards Hungary is condescending, ethnocentric one, in which we (as well as others in the region) are seen as inferior and a potential market to abuse. This is why racist violence in Western countries ok (only "isolated incidents") and verbal racism in Hungary (or place your country here) is not, because it is a "sign of bigger things". This is, and has been, fed by Western journalists in Hungary and their fobias (le Bor, Escritt, and so on).
2013. május 24. 11:31
Justice for Hungary! :) Thats all we want! THX dear European leaders and politicans. ps.: we dont have any Sea je neah hev mare mi nyet hez tengör b+
2013. május 22. 16:08
The correct link: (Mandiner adds something at the end which leads to error message) One should read the comments as well. Mostly from Hungary, same old, same old. This means they are not interested in us but juicy media reports only. The "West" could not care less.
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